Token Rank #454


Price -USD
Liquidity -USD
Volume (24h) -USD
Pool fees (24h) -USD
There is no pool with BIP or Dollar to display the dollar chart
    Mutable data
  • Supply
    1 000 ARBITRUM
  • Cap in Minter
    1 000 ARBITRUM (- USD)
  • Pools
    - ARBITRUM (- USD)
  • Orders
    - ARBITRUM (- USD)
  • Locked
    - ARBITRUM (- USD)
  • Owner Mxa82…5e174
    Immutable data
  • Type Token ID: 3586
  • Name Fan token ARBITRUM Layer 2 solution
  • Initial Supply 1 000 ARBITRUM
  • Max Supply 10 000 000 000 ARBITRUM
  • Mintable
  • Burnable
  • Created 26-12-2021 05:03:23 (8 152 760v2.0)
  • Creator Mxa82…5e174